ACA Pacific endeavours to
provide the best possible service and support for all the
products in our distribution portfolio. This web site is
designed to provide product information, indicative pricing,
and other information on our products and services. All due
care has been taken to ensure information contained in this
site is accurate at time of publication. ACA Pacific's web
site is continuously updated and checked for inaccuracies
and omissions. Even with the greatest of care to avoid
inaccuracies and omissions, inconsistencies may occur. ACA
Pacific accepts no liability for any errors or
inconsistencies found within our site.
All prices, product
specifications, product offerings and stock availability is
subject to change without notice. ALL PRICES STATED ON
unless otherwise stated. Quoted prices and special
promotions are for business-to-business transactions only,
and not intended for use by the general public. Any quotes
generated for licensing or box or retail products will
expire within 14 days or at the end of the month, whichever
comes first.
Some of the information
contained in this Site has been duplicated/obtained from
manufacturers sources in good faith. All care is taken to
ensure product images, descriptions and specifications are accurate
at time of publication. Accuracy of information obtained
from manufacturers is the responsibility of the
manufacturer. It is in your best interest to confirm our
information by visiting the appropriate vendors’ home page.
All logos, brand, and product
names are Trademarks (TM) or Registered Trademarks (R) of
their respective owners. No information may be re-produced
without written authorisation by ACA Pacific Pty Ltd.
Warranty Information
All product warranties implied
herein are strictly Manufacturer Warranties unless otherwise
stated, and are subject to manufacturers terms and
We appreciate your feedback. If
you have any questions, have discovered any errors, or have
any general comments, please send us an e-mail:
[email protected]

Privacy Policy
ACA Pacific recognises and
accepts the Privacy Act 1988 and adopts the “National
Privacy Principles” as our policy on all methods of contact
available to you with us.
How do we collect the
Where possible and practical,
we will only collect information directly from you. If we
collect it from another source, we will do what is
reasonably possible to inform you that we have collected the
information. An example of how we collect the majority of
individual and organisation information is from our Reseller
Application and/or associated forms.
You may choose the contact
options that you would like through our web, email, fax, or
mail based marketing registration pages. Modifications
made by you may take time to take effect within our
databases. If you are our only contact for your organisation
and choose to have no contact with ACA Pacific, your
organisation may not be able to do business with us.
Why do we collect
ACA Pacific
will collect personal information in the process of
conducting business. That personal information may be
obtained directly from you, via another contact in your
organisation or through a third party who we assume has
informed you that your details may be provided to us. We
will only store your personal details if they are relevant
to your organisation conducting business with us. We do not
normally obtain or store information that is deemed by the
Privacy Act to be "Sensitive Information". We store personal
information to ensure that we can maintain contact with the
organisations with which we do business. This contact may be
verbal, electronic or written. The reason for the contact
may be to inform, request assistance or to maintain a
When do we use your
information supplied by you may be used as consent for
purposes of informing you of any details, promotions,
operational changes, price updates or any relevant
information that will assist our mutual businesses. The
information we collect will only be that which is necessary
for the conduct of our business and our relationship with
your organisation. Information gathered by us in one
instance may be used in another instance unless you
expressly requested that we do not. However, we will only
use the information which we receive about you for the
purpose of doing business with your organisation or in
connection with that purpose.
How do we store your
personal information?
Your information is held either
in paper-based records or in electronic form in our
databases. We take precautions to ensure the security of
that information. If your information is no longer needed,
we will either delete it from our systems or de-identify it,
so that it cannot be attributed to you personally.
To whom will
we disclose your information?
Your personal information may
be given to other organisations, such as the vendors that we
represent and organisations that we use to assist us in the
conduct of our business, including but not limited to
couriers, marketers and our financial institutions.
How can you check the
information we hold?
We will take all reasonable
steps to ensure that the information we hold is accurate,
and we will put into effect any changes that you ask for. If
you wish to view the personal information that we have
stored please e-mail, fax or write to our Marketing
Department (details below), who will arrange for your
personal information ONLY to be extracted and made available
for viewing by you (Note: This will not include any
passwords or security relevant information). We will not
mail or e-mail your personal information document to you but
we will notify you in a timely manner when it is is
available for viewing in a safe and verified manner (such as
your nearest ACA Pacific branch office). If through a
channel of contact you are forwarded to another site or
organisation ACA Pacific is not responsible for the privacy
practices or content of that site or organisation.
How do we use “cookies”?
Our web site uses cookies which
are small amounts of information sent from a web server to
your computer. These cookies are used to retain login and
state information. We do not use cookies to track your
internet activity before or after you leave the ACA Pacific
web environment. Any activity while you are at our web site
may be monitored. No other company has access to our
cookies. The ACA Pacific web environment has added security
available as a default option by using Secure Sockets Layer
(SSL) technology. This means that for authenticating and
transacting orders on line, information you send is
encrypted by your computer, and then decrypted again on our
side, preventing others from accessing your private
information in between. More information on privacy
legislation is available from the Federal Privacy
Commissioner at www.privacy.gov.au.
How can I
more information about my personal information?
You may contact ACA Pacific
through any of the following methods:
[email protected],
Phone: 03 9674 8188. Fax: 02 9674 8100
Post: ACA Pacific, PO Box 101, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207